Only two weeks out from Thanksgiving, you are more and more likely to hear about what everyone is thankful for in their lives. Family, friends, perhaps a meal to enjoy, or a jacket to keep warm in-- and of course, we are all thankful for Caritas. Not only is it a restaurant for some and a kitchen for others, but it can also be a home away from home. Caritas provides warmth as it continues to get cold outside, and is a place where one will always be welcomed. But, as much as people cherish Caritas and the surrounding community, it is easy to overlook just how much thanks Caritas has, too.
Caritas Village has a lot to be thankful for-- volunteers, whether it be college students or retired military; donations of fresh garden produce; workers who cook, clean, and set up everything day to day. However, one of the most prominent aspects always seems to be the happiness and love every individual walks into Caritas with. All of these contributions, whether tangible or not, allow Caritas to continue to progress and help everyone. The relationship between Caritas and the family that congregates here is cyclical-- everyone does their best to give back to Caritas for what it has given to them.